
Apologies for the short blog post, I am super busy working for New Designers 2015 which is in less than 2 weeks, I FINALLY made the big move and officially left my Wrexham home and I have had a few commissions for one off prints in amongst the unpacking. In amongst all the madness I found time to take part in the #MeetTheArtist (although admittedly I forgot to actually post it for a while!). Disclaimer!!! I'm not sure if the hashtag started with The Bright Group  but that's where it appeared first on my twitter newsfeed and most of the ones I saw were from their artists or certainly tagged them.

Just a quick 30 minute doodle, one rough, scanned and coloured digitally and worked on Photoshop but I actually quite liked the end result. I then used the illustration of me as my newest logo (something I am still keen to develop further and perfect) and it's now being used on all my social media accounts.

Just goes to show the best illustrations are the freshest scribbles!

