Top Social Media Hits - December 2015

It might be the start of a new year but we still have to look back at last month, last year and have a cheeky review of what worked and what didn't on social media in December.

1. Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do. 

I feel like I can't take credit for my most liked Instagram of this month because isn't mine. This photo was taken from the front of my blogging planner which sadly I can't find a link for you to buy anymore boo! It was however an appropriate promo photo for this blog post about my hopes and plans for 2016.

2. North Wales Business Map. 

My second over achiever of the month was this little map depicting my collaboration with Ben Seas on a map of North Wales businesses. The finished product is still under wraps and I think you can still get yourself on there if you're a business in North Wales but when it's all done and dusted I shall reveal more!

3. Christmassy Cardiff. 

I think this rare black and white image was so popular on good old Insta because it was a week before Christmas and people were a bit like OMG CHRISTMAS I LOVE EVERYTHING. This was taken in one of the little arcades in Cardiff when I was Christmas shopping and it was all a bit twinkly and cold and lovely.

At this point, I normally just write up my top 5 on Instagram but this month, weirdly, the next 4 posts each got the exact same amount of likes so that's a little bonus few for you....

4. Festive Cup. 

Yes, I went there with the obligatory festive cup photo on Insta but I went a bit out there and instead of the red starbucks cup or even the less good Costa one...I went for the old favourite; McDonalds. They tried bless them, they tried.

5. Seasonal Update. 

An illustration nearly always does well on my grid (that's what having loads of illustrators as followers does for you) and this one was no different. This little wintery one was promoting my handily titled seasonal update blog post (which you can find here) which was all about what I love about winter.

6. Free Stuff. 

People luhhhhhhh a bargain so it's no surprise really that this one did all sorts of good. This promo photo for this blog post was all about free apps I use on my iPhone for business and marketing purposes and people seemed to really dig it. Thanks guys.

7. Shameless Promo. 

One of the last posts of 2015 was a cheeky little self promo and reminder to ya'll to do a bit of post festive shopping. This photo of my robin thank you cards (available here) was a promo photo reminding everyone to send out thank you's to all the lovely people that gave you gifts at Christmas and as it so happens, guess whose selling some on their Etsy shop? Oh Shop here!

December on Twitter was a bit hit and miss. I tweeted 35 more tweets than November (335 btw) yet I got 20.3K impressions, down on November's 22.6K.

I also went down from 525 to a mere 394 profile views (I know, the struggle is real) and only gained 4 new followers which was a bummer.

My school uniform inspired colour collective was the best received tweet of the month and my carol singing mice and my favourite accounts to follow on Twitter post also did exceedingly well.

Ima put last month's slump down to it being Christmas and nobody having time to scroll down their Twitter newsfeed and hopefully January will pick up. Yuh huh.

*On a side note, when searching for my November media hits (cos mate I only do this once a month, gurl can't be expected to remember the layout), I realised I never did a promo photo. Soz and that.