Friday Favourites 27th April 2016.

Friday Favourites 27.04.16

Friday Favourites 27.04.16

This is the most difficult I have found writing my Friday Favourites in months. Normally I either have wayyyy too many things to include or I struggle thinking of the last one but this week I could only think of 2 major favourites off the top of my head and had to really sit and think what I'd done this week. 

The answer to that is, well, not a lot. I've seen my niece 4 times which is always a favourite but ya'll be bored of me if I keep going on about her. I went to my Nan's, I went to the doctors, I went to Tesco...but really nothing out of the ordinary. 

So this week's favourites is a more digital one which I don't think is an all bad thing. 

1. Lemonade. 

Yes Queen Bey did it again. She dropped a new album over night exclusively (originally) on Tidal and with a visual concept to boot. And I love it. I have loved Beyonce for years and actually, dare I admit it, I wasn't overly blown away with the last album. I loved some songs but merh, not my fav. But I LOVE Lemonade. I think some of the songs, especially the collabs with Jack White, Kendrick Lamar and the likes are tunes and I think she's absolutely bossed it yet again. Also this quote gets me every time. 

Lemonade Tweet. 

Lemonade Tweet. 

2. BBC Wales Leaders Debate. 

Riding off the back of the televised debates in last years General Election, on Wednesday night BBC Wales hosted a live 1 and a half hour debate from the Welsh leaders of Labour, Tories, UKIP, Greens, Lib Dems and Plaid Cymru. For those of you who don't know much or anything at all about Welsh Politics, we have an election next week to vote on who we want to run our Assembly. It's like the General Election on a smaller scale I guess. I think all the drama and all the things not related to politics, for example in the American elections is a step too far but I am definitely a fan of televised leaders debates because it makes politicians much more accessible to the wider public and you can get a feel for them a bit more when they're debating, not reading pre prepared speeches not written by themselves. 

Welsh Leaders debate; image source BBC Wales news. 

Welsh Leaders debate; image source BBC Wales news

3. Hitting My Milestones. 

I don't have any 'goals' for my social media but I am just excited to see it grow month on month. In the past week my followers have slipped past the 400 mark and the way it's growing I wouldn't be surprised if it surpasses 500 by the end of the bank holiday. I also whizzed through 100K impressions on Twitter and on my last count it was more 120 which is insane. I love watching them go up and whilst I have no specific 'goals' I want to hit, I just think it's amazing people are interested in what I have to tweet about. 

You can follow me on Twitter here!

Twitter stats for 20sMeltdown.

Twitter stats for 20sMeltdown.

4. Big Bang Theory. 

I can't remember when I started watching Big Bang but I think it was sometime during Freshers and I have been hooked ever since (one day when I have 289732859375 hours to waste I'll go back and catch up on all the seasons I missed before I was a fan). What I love especially about the series is that E4 show it only a few episodes behind the States rather than a season or two behind so you can really easily avoid what's happened. 


What made me happy this week was catching up with a few episodes and the revelation that Bernadette is pregnant!! -squeals- I love series like this where you can get properly into it and feel like you know the characters and be genuinely happy when something like this happens. It's like Marshall and Lily in HIMYM all over again. All the happy feels. 

5. Cervical Cancer Screening Reaction. 

So if you read my blog regularly (and if you do I thank you) you will have seen that yesterday I went for a cervical cancer smear test and then blogged about it and why it is so important that you attend yours too. I have never thought of being that type of blogger who blogs about their own experiences or about health or about anything that might make people sit up and listen because quite frankly I never thought I had anything to say. However, the messages I got last night after publishing my cervical cancer screening post was overwhelming. It's definitely my most read post of all time which is amazing after 24 hours but the comments and the reaction I have had have been so so lovely. So many people and charities have retweeted it, shared it on Facebook, commented on it or bookmarked it to read later which is crazy enough. But it's all the girls messaging me saying "This is so important", "Thank you for sharing, we need to talk about this" and "This has made me feel so much better about booking mine" is incredible. The fact that people agree that this is an important issue that you should be attending your appointments and us girls should be talking about it more so we don't feel scared or nervous or put it off. Thanks so much to everyone who has responded to it. You rock. 

Read the original post here and share it with all your girlfriends. 

Cervical Cancer Smear Promo Photo. 

Cervical Cancer Smear Promo Photo. 

Have a beautiful bank holiday cherubs and if it's not the best forecast with you, make sure you check out my list of things to do on a rainy day! 




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