5 Minutes With My January Advertisers.

Meet my January Advertisers.  

It's a new year (anyone sick of me saying that yet?) and a new month means new advertisers - for the most part. You'll see a familiar face gracing my sidebar this month but you'll also see 5 new loves who's blog you should go and check out immediately after reading this. 


Becca from The Aprés Gal has been signed up to advertise with me in the gold spot this month for so long I feel like I've known her and introduced her before! Her blog is a healthy mix of travel, food, drink and lifestyle; i.e all the best things in life and you're sure to find something you want to read about.....or ya know, binge read the last 3 months whatevs. 


I always like to talk about people's Instagram in this part of my post because as much as we all love to hate it, we all love it and I am no exception. Except when I came to link to Becca's it turns out I wasn't following her and so now I am and oh god the jealousy. Like if I could just move to London so I can have the same grainy grey and white and black washed out theme with alllll the architecture that'd be wonderful thanks. 


Because I'm thorough in my advertisers research (read - stalker), I was having a little read of some of Becca's post and got myself lost in the wormhole that was travel and came across this little gem. If you're a fan of GOT you NEED to get your butt over to this post on the DIY Game of Thrones tour. She talks about how she did it and what she paid for what and what you simply must see and holy moly it's immediately added to my dream travel wishlist. 


The Aprés Gal has one of them blog aesthetics I can only dream of cos lol guess who has a template that won't support it. These types of blog layouts are everywhere right now and The Aprés Gal is no different with a sleek black theme and that Instagram grid of dreams scrolling along the bottom. Oh and it's super easy to find what you want and navigate which is always a huge YASS GURL in my books. 


Becca's latest post - at the time I'm typing this- is her NYE Resolutions, something I think we're all feeling at the moment. I was having a little nosey cos damnnnn I love to know about people's lives and I creased laughing at this quote;

"But then I checked back to the post I wrote last year at this time and actually, a lot has changed and I'm in a much better place now (although I am most definitely fatter and still probably an alcoholic)."

I die. You can have a read of her resolutions here but her last one is about getting more involved with the blogging community so you should all go and leave her a nice comment or send her a tweet because she's a gorgeous human being and your blogging squad would be ace to have her. 


Blog; www.theapresgal.com

Twitter; @theapresgal

Instagram; @theapresgal




Recognise this little cherub? Hailey has now been a regular feature on my advertisers sidebar since I started in November when she block booked 2 months, and then decided to stay with me again! I hope that means I'm doing something right with my advertising but anyway, I love having Hailey with me!


I always mention how much I enjoy Hailey's end of the month roundup and this month was no different. Every month Hailey sums up what she's been up to but the bit I love the most is at the bottom of each post where she shares the smaller lovelier things she's been enjoying and articles she's enjoyed. I always go looking at the articles because I NEVER see them myself and I always enjoy them.  


Hailey is probably one of the first people I started talking to regularly on Twitter, god knows how we even struck up a conversation in the first place but one of my favourites is always Late Night Bloggers. Between me, Hailey, Tina and Claire we always have a right old laff with some hilarious answers and topics so if you want someone to chat to on Twitter, Hailey is your gal. 


One of my favourite thing about Hailey's blog/Instagram is her photography. I live vicariously through her because she goes on some lovely travels and I am always so hideously jealous. Whilst Christmas is over and this *might* make you feel a bit melancholic for the festive period, Hailey's photo diary from Ice World is unbelievably beautiful and might give you some inspo for a Winter trip next year. 


If 3 months wasn't enough for you, she's only gone and block booked for next month too so you can see (and read more) about Hailey in February too!


Blog; www.haileyjaderyan.com

Twitter; @HaileyJadeRyan

Instagram; @haileyjaderyan

Facebook; @haileyjaderyan

Pinterest; @haileyjaderyan

Bloglovin; /undateable-girls-diary

Snapchat; @haileyjaderyan


Omg. How do I even describe my love for this little angel? Sarirah and I have been fan girling over eachother's blogs for a good year now and I had the absolute pleasure of meeting her when she came to #BloggerPitP in the summer. She is one of my most favourite bloggers and an absolute joy in real life too. 


A self professed skin care junkie, Sarirah's blog is a heaven if that's your thang. Personally, my favourite posts of hers revolve around lifestyle and blogging. She is one of the most motivated, focused people I have ever known and all my favourite posts are bookmarked to make myself as badass as her. You can view her blog tips and lifestyle tabs here. 


I think I tweet Sarirah monthly at least to say how much I love her photography. She had a blog redesign a while back now and suddenly there were all these insane photos filling my feeds and filling her blog and good god she is my inspiration/envy. She properly upped her game, found her niche and you'd not go far wrong to follow her on insta


And whilst we're talking Instagram, this heavenly gal has written some cracking posts on the platform and how to make the absolute best of it. From the best hashtags to use to how to get the most out of the business platform, I recommend a read of this one on Instagram Resources.


It was just a happy coincidence that today as I wrote this post, Sarirah published a post I have been waiting for for a loooong time; her bujo. It is no secret that I am a bullet journal obsessive and I am still so nosey over how other people layout their journals. As ever she doesn't just share her layout, she shows us how we can boss ours too and it's so neat and focused and omgah I hope she does more updates. Have a nosey here!


Blog; www.prettynotincluded.com

Twitter; @prettynotinc

Instagram; @prettynotinc

Facebook; @PrettyNotIncluded



The best thing about having advertisers is finding new blogs and bloggers and whilst Lottie and I already followed eachother on Twitter and Insta and I'd read the odd blog post via Twitter links, I hadn't been on her blog itself until she signed up. Now. Winner of the cutest blog ever goes to Lottie because oh my life so colourful and adorable and happy. DEFINITELY read straight off her platform. 


As well as lifestyle and blogging, Lottie blogs about Disney/Disney Travel a lot and I am so jel I can't even tell you. I should hold my hands up here and say whilst I am DESPERATE to go, I have never been to any of the Disney's and reading Lottie's blog is an absolute joy. It doesn't matter that I've never been, I was reading what she takes in her park bag like I was planning a trip tomorrow. Give me all the Disney. 


Lottie's latest (as I type this) blog post is things to remember in 2017 which starts with a congratulations message on surviving the first week of this year, a sentiment I think we can all relate to. If you need a little inspo, this is the post you need to bookmark to look back on during the year. 


I feel like I should stop being like OMG THEIR INSTAGRAM THO but honestly, everyone who has advertised with me has had such insane grids and I am wallowing in self pity over mine; Lottie's is no exception. She's got a following I dream of and her theme is primarily bright, light and Disney and omfg so adorable. I will probs weep when she goes on her next Disney trip. 


In the bio of her blog Lottie introduces herself as the following; 

"I'm Lottie, a 20-something girl from the sunny south coast of England, most likely day-dreaming at any given moment. Blogger, runner, Disney addict and baker of cakes, with a weakness for stationary, homeware and lipstick."

Like I think we could be best friends. If she makes the cake cos uhm, baking is not my forte. 


Blog; www.lottiedoes.com

Bloglovin; bloglovin.com/lottie-does

Twitter; @lottiedoesblog

Instagram; @lottiedoesdisney


Oh Llinos where to start? Llinos and I have been Twitter pals for the majority of the year now and she's one blog I only exclusively read on her site (so unusual for me), in fact I only realised I wasn't following her on Bloglovin this morning. She's supppppper supportive on Twitter and always leaves me the loveliest comments on my blog - she's an absolute angel. And she's Welsh which doesn't hurt ;)


Way way way back when in July last year when I had 17 days of guest bloggers, Llinos signed up and was the first to get her content and everything else I required back to me. She sent it something ridiculous like a fortnight before the deadline - she was the most organised person ever and a dream to work with. You can read her guest post for me over here


Like all of us, Llinos has some blog goals and life goals in mind for 2017 and because we actually live pretty local to eachother, I can totally get on board with hers. Lots of hers focus on places to visit that are local to both of us including my fav place ever; Dyffryn Gardens. She also highlights Lacock and Bath which is where I spent my Christmas markets weekend. Have a peep at her goals here


I'm no stranger to Llinos' blog but one thing I don't often do until someone advertises with me is go on a proper tour of someone's site so it was only recently did I discover Llinos' blog roll. Essentially it's a list of blogs she reads regularly, people she likes and thinks you might enjoy too and the list is EXTENSIVE and she's only gone and included me in it as well!


One thing Llinos does in a big way is book blogging. She reviews, chats, shares with other bloggers, collaborates and has even written her own! You can get involved over on her books tab which you can find just here!


Blog; www.thelilaclinnet.com

Bloglovin; bloglovin.com/lilac-linnet

Twitter; @thelilaclinnet

Instagram; @thelilaclinnet


Ya know those sleek themes with the Instagram grid scrolling along the bottom I mentioned earlier? Yup, Elly has one of those too and oh lawd so jealous. Elly's blog tabs compromises lifestyle, travel, arts & culture, food & drink and health & wellbeing so if that's not an all encompassing blog I don't know what is. 


I read this post Elly wrote a while back but when she signed up to advertise with me I knew I wanted to share it, no matter it was written a few months ago. Elly wrote on National No Bra Day about her decision to ditch a bra and as gals, I'm sure we all know the feeling of taking your bra off at the end of a long day. It's nice to know there are other options out there huh?


In addition to ma fav post above, I always like to share a recent post so I chose this cosy little number which whilst does include the addition of a Christmas tree, is more a room tour of Elly's flat. Can I just say she maybs has the most perfect/tolerant partner ever who she said let her fill the flat with alllll the blogger cliches in the world and was a ok with it. Someone give the boy a bloggers award RN. (Snoop her living room here)


Ok so it doesn't look like this any more because she's gone dark but can we just take a moment to appreciate Elly's hair in the photo on her blog bio? Like a mix of dark, blonde, blue, green, silver, purple, every friggin colour under the sun it is so bladdy cool and puts my simple pink to shame. 


And whilst we're on the subject of cool, shall we all just make a sharp right and have an oggle at Elly's dino tattoo? An early Christmas present to herself - I mean, why not? - I bloody love this tat. I've never seen anything like it before and it's soooo detailed and the artist is sooooo talented and I'm not surprised Elly is made up with it. 


Blog; www.ellymitchell.co.uk

Twitter; @ellymitchelll

Instagram; @ellymitchellxo

Huge huge thank you to the girls advertising with me this month, you can be sure to see some of them again next month!







If you want to advertise with me you can book ahead! You can tweet me or email me at twentysomethingmeltdown@gmail.com if you want to snap one up, book for months ahead or block book more than one segment!