5 Ways To Turn Around A Bad Day.


Bad days are nothing unusual. You can be the happiest, bubbliest person ever and a bad day will still knock you for six. 

Sometimes, wrapping yourself up in a duvet and calling it quits with the day is the only way to deal with a shitty 24 hours but if you DO feel like you need to get yourself out of a rut, here are 5 tried and tested things that get me out of a black hole. 

  • Have a shower, wrap up in a fluffy dressing gown and do your makeup. So this might be a silly one if you're in your dressing gown and aren't leaving the house but spending a really long time perfecting my makeup just makes me feel like the best possible version of myself. It distracts me from whatever my problems are and then every time I look in the mirror the rest of the day I feel all DAMN GINA YOU FINE. Pamper yourself, lather yourself in creams and lotions and get that winged eyeliner on point. 


  • Be productive and get shit done. This might be the last thing on your mind when you're feeling crappy but I just find it really takes my mind off things and having a menial job to concentrate on clears the air. Spring clean a room, cook something that takes a long time for dinner, do a load of washing, whatever it is, make a to do list and tick things off one by one. Have a look at my 'Ways To Make Your Saturday More Productive' blog post for more inspo. 


  • Make plans to look forward to. Get on the phone, get on whatsapp or Facebook and create a group message with all your pals and organise something to look forward to. There's nothing like having something to look forward to to cheer you right up and keeps you ticking over the week. 


  • Open the windows and crank up the music. Ok so this only works if there isn't a storm brewing outside but if you can open the windows do. Let some fresh air in and clear your head and whack your favourite music on and turn the volume up LOUD. Obvs take into consideration your neighbours but loud music you can sing and dance to makes me feel so much better. Preferably have a playlist on your phone, iPod or streaming service at all times and fill it full of dance tunes and diva anthems. 


  • Eat something naughty and binge watch. If all else fails a little bit of what you love won't hurt you on a bad day. Get the chocolate out, get the kettle on, have a fondue and settle down on the sofa or in bed with the telly on and just watch hours and hours worth of all your favourite trashy programmes. I'm talking Kardashians, Real Housewives, TOWIE, documentaries hosted by Stacey Dooley and Louis Theroux...whatever your vice, get it on the box. 


What's your guaranteed tried and tested trick to help you through a bad day?