7 Things I Read Online This Month - June 2016.

So this month has been a bit of a weird one to collate because I have read SO much online because of the EU referendum. So instead, I have decided to make this one exclusively things I have read on blogs and tbh I enjoyed it so much maybe it'll stay in this format from now on - who knows?

I read A LOT of blogs and then I still come across ones I always forget to follow or find new people by having a look at who's commenting on my blog - my Bloglovin feed is regularly on the 200+ unread blogs just because of the sheer number of people who I want to read about!

These are some (but not exclusively the only ones) I have enjoyed reading in the past month. 

1. Why Do I Need A Smear Test?

Back in April I wrote a post about how the cervical cancer smear really ain't that bad and people responded to it really really really well which is why it's no surprise they also did to this one. I hadn't ever read Wonderful You blog before (a crime I know I know, I have seen the error of my ways) but I saw the topic on Twitter and clicked on and man oh man am I glad I did. I don't want to disclose every detail of this blog post because it's beautifully written and I wouldn't do it justice but you must must read it. If you're putting off your cervical smear go read it, if you're a twenty something female go read it, if you're coming up to your appointment go read it, if you've not had the result you wanted, go read it. It's such an important topic and one that must be talked about more between friends and schools and young girls, it's vital we attend. 

Why Do I Need A Smear Test - Wonderful You. 

2. How To Keep Your Blog Running When You Are On Holiday. 

I actually read this after I had already organised how my blog is going to work when I am away for a fortnight in July and I was stoked to find out that a lot of what Holly advised is what I am already doing. I think if you're thinking on the same wave length as Holly you're pretty set up in life! If you don't already read her blog you definitely need to check it out because she is the queen of organisation and of blogging tips and making the most of your overall brand - something that I think is massively underrated. If you're thinking of putting your blog on holiday mode when you're away but want it to keep functioning this post is a god send if you don't know how to go about it and I think THE most valuable tip is to just check in once a day to check it's gone live. Sounds so simple but man oh man imagine if it hadn't uploaded. 

How To Keep Your Blog Running When You Are On Holiday  - A Branch Of Holly. 

3. Why Strong Women Need Strong Men. 

If you're a fellow blogger reading this I am sure you'll be no stranger to the wit and sharp tongue of Vix Meldrew. Going to find the link for this blog was actually the first time I've read any of her work on her site itself not on Bloglovin or another platform and I was met with a blog that looks, well.......like mine. Lol I obvs have good taste in blog layouts. Anyway this post opens with the line 

Strong women - us of pure sass, killer ass and nurturing nature need to stop looking for love in weak ass little bitches that we think we can fix and start looking to be loved by strong men.

and if that ain't reason enough to read I don't know what is. I have no doubts you'll resonate with the post in some way because how many times have we seen the woman being 'the fixer' and taking over the role of Mum or letting the man get away with shit because she's strong and can hack it? We've probably all been guilty of it ourselves - I know I have. Well worth the read and then if you've got time, get onto 10 Things That Make Us The Crazy Girlfriend cos that shit had me howling with laughter. 

Why Strong Women Need Strong Men - Vix Meldrew. 

4. A Year Outta University. 

I have to hold my hands up here and make a huge apology; Mel from Melberryy is one of those hilarious people I chat to on Twitter and consider a real genuine online pal....and I wasn't following her on Bloglovin until like last week. I am a criminal, a fraud, I know I know. I do read her blog but when I realised I wasn't following her it transpired there were a whole shed load of posts I hadn't read so I had a pleasant half hour catching up which was glorious. I loved all of them naturally, she writes like she talks on Twitter, a quality I LOVE in a blog but this was my particular fav. Read this one if you, like me and Mel graduated a whole year ago and you're still feeling at a bit of a loss of how to do this adult life. It's gold. 

A Year Outta Uni - Melberryy. 

5. This Is Me | My Scoliosis Story. 

I had never read Martha's blog before I stumbled upon this story but now I have read a whole load of her words. I don't even remember where I found this link, I think someone must've shared it on Twitter and I clicked and got hooked on her blog. Again, I don't want to talk about the content of this post too much because it's just beautiful and so brave and inspiring. I had never even heard of scoliosis before reading this post and the video is stunning and poignant and beautifully beautifully done. You should also take a peep at her 25 before 15 post and take some inspo if your mid twenties are fast approaching you too! 

This Is Me | My Scoliosis Story - Martha Jane. 

6. Fearing For The Future. 

I feel like a bit of a stalker fan girl mentioning this blog but bear with me here. Maddy who writes under The Speed Bump is a Glyndwr Graduate of 2015 just like me, in fact, we were in the same ceremony. I don't think we ever spoke or really came into contact in uni but I knew who she was as she was on the Theatre course with some of my friends and her name came up as someone you 'know of', a friend of a friend kinda gal. Last year some time my mum was listening to BBC Radio Wales and there was an interview with Maddy who was writing an ebook on being a young mum, a student parent (she had her daughter in her second year I think) and I recognised the name. Being nosey and recognising her and loving a good old read of a blog I went and found The Speed Bump and then read, and read, and read and then followed her on Bloglovin because seriously; SO GOOD. She's one of them like Susie from My Milo & Me that is still relatable and still a good read even if you don't have a child. A bit sweary, a hella lot of sarcasm and comedy and a whole heap of politics. I particularly loved this post because she ends it with the following and I think it's one of the most relevant things I have ever read. 

We need to teach our children that love is love. When two adults love each other, it is not a crime. It is not abhorrent. It is not a catalyst or an excuse or a reason for committing a terrible crime. Love is just love, and for as long as we have love, hatred will never win.

Fearing For The Future - The Speed Bump. 

7. 30 Before 30. 

Adventure and Anxiety is a little blog I found this month or maybe at the end of the last just from a convo on Twitter (aren't those just the best discoveries?) I really liked this post this month where she outlined 30 things to do before she turns 30 and some of them are SO good and we should all try and do them! I love lists like this, I love goals and stats and habit trackers and the idea of wanting to achieve things sounds good to me. I especially like the idea of these types of goals because it makes you want to get out there and achieve them and that means ADVENTURES! Ain't her blog name appropriate now? Also Beth has probably the cutest blog picture I have ever ever seen. Ever. 

30 Before 30 - Adventure & Anxiety. 

I also wanted to just link to a few EU posts because obviously it's prevalent right now and people are using their blogs to voice their opinion and get their emotions on screen I think that can only be a good thing. So yeah, you go guys (oh and my own is down there too FYI.)

My Reaction To The EU - Twenty Something Meltdown. 

Alienated - Hannah Emily Lane. 

Why i Won't Shut Up About Brexit - Moon & Forest. 

EU Referendum - A Fashion Oddity. 

Brexit: I Am From The EU And I Live In The UK - Mari Talks Beauty.