Friday Favourites 15th - 21st October 2016.

FF 21.10.2016

So this week has actually been a bit pants. Which considering it was my birthday week, it's all that fabulous. This is going up pretttyyyy late for a Friday because it's been a heck of a week and I can only thank the sweet baby Jesus that I scheduled posts the rest of the week. 

My birthday on Monday was lovely but sadly halfway through the day my phone broke and I've only had it back partially working today. I also got a cold from my niece mid week so I've been sniffling and sneezing and feeling generally sorry for myself. 

Luckily even in the most stressful of weeks, there's still 5 glorious things to celebrate. Mainly birthday NGL. 

1. Birthday. 

I mean obvs. I am now officially 24 which sounds kinda odd but kinda normal too and obviously it didn't feel like my birthday and obviously I don't feel older because lol I have aged and sadly do not get birthday excitement like I did when I was 9. I didn't do anything spectacular for my birthday but I spent it with family, I had my niece for the day and I went for a big ass carb filled meal in the evening. Also aside from my phone breaking which was pretty bladdy awful, I did come home to this beauty of a phone case in the post which I ordered myself for 90p from Ebay about a month previous. Happy birthday me from me!

2. Messages Of Delight. 

This. This is what I woke up to first and foremost on my birthday, my blogging baes on whatsapp being general cuties and it didn't really end all day. I had messages on my Instagram posts, I had texts and whatsapps and Facebook posts and about a bazillion tweets. I had grand ideas of tagging everyone who sent me a happy birthday tweet but by the end of the day I had so many I lost count and honestly, I was so happy and it made such a difference to my day to have all these online friends, people I haven't met send me a message. I bloody love the bones off all of you gorgeous people. 

3. Birthday Balloons. 

I had balloons on Twitter and I didn't remember until like half way through the day and OMFG it was amazing. Look at it. 

4. Presents. 

I mean another obvious one no? I am a big fan of the types of birthday where you get a lotttt of cheaper items than something that cost like 50 quid. I don't think anything I had cost over about 15 quid on it's own so I had loads and loads of it. I also got sent presents from friends and family around the UK and the States and my bloody babe of a friend Hailey sent me a surprise present which I accidentally opened a day early. I'm going to do a proper haul post later in the week so no photos yet but I'll link everything I can find so you can treat yo self too. 

5. Surprise Blogger Mail. 

What's the one thing to cheer you up when you're having a rubbish week? Surprise blogger mail. You know when you see bloggers like 'oh this just popped through my door' or 'best surprise ever' and you're like BUT HOW DO YOU GET MAIL YOU'RE NOT EXPECTING??? Well I have become that blogger. You might remember Talking Tables from this post about hygge and as the decoration suppliers for #BloggerPitP and having worked together once before, they've surprised me and a number of bloggers with a box full of Halloween treats and honestly, I could've wept a little at the thought that went into it. Good brands make the absolute difference when it comes to blog work and Talking Tables are the cutest loveliest brand I've ever had the pleasure of working with. I'll be showing you exactly what I got later in the week but trust me, it's as beautiful as ever. 

Another week done, hopefully next week will be much more successful!