Friday Favourites 4th - 17th March 2017.


Another week, another fortnight, another Friday Favourites I had to have a look back in my bullet journal to find out wtf I did. 

This fortnight it feels like day after day has rolled into one with very minimal sleep and lots of fun thrown into the mix. 

I've actually had a really good fortnight if you look back on what I've done so it's no surprise I managed to find a fair few favourites to share with you lovely lot. 

1. Break In The Rain. 

Last week I was driving home about 7am and it was light, a novelty in itself after Winter when it really feels like something special is round the corner. It was pissing it down whilst I was driving home, one of those super heavy showers that suddenly turns the skies black and you can't turn the wipers on quick enough before the rain pelts like hailstones. I drove home the 15 minutes back to my Mum's in weather like that and then suddenly, I turned a corner and the weather just ceased. The skies went a pale blue, the rain just stopped and the air cleared and I could see all the way over the sea to Somerset and Devon. It was gorgeous and I only wish I'd had my camera to stop and take a photo of the view. 

2. Cardiff Museum. 

Last week which feels like a month ago we took my niece to the museum. She LOVES it and asks to go on an almost daily basis so on a rainy Wednesday we obliged and took her down to Cardiff. We spent the majority of the time looking at the animals, she told me about jewel beetles, we ran away from the shark she's scared of, we saw the dinosaurs and she stole my orange juice at dinner. It was such a nice day, her happy face was so cute and I managed to snap the photo below just as the illuminations turned the whole lobby pink. 

3. Mother's Day Range.

My Mother's Day cards have been stellar this year. My 'Favourite Child' cards actually just sold out this evening so I'll be sure to bring something similar in again next year! A mixture of orders from friends and strangers combined with the odd one from bloggers, I have enjoyed packaging up my cards and sending them (covered in stickers) off in the postal system. I genuinely can't shout THANK YOU enough to everyone that bought one! 

If you still want one of the remaining designs you can shop them with enough time to be delivered by Mother's Day here!

4. #MarchMeetTheMaker.

And whilst we're talking illustration and design, definitely one of my favourite things of the fortnight has been the Instagram challenge #MarchMeetTheMaker. Based mainly around artists and creators, the monthly challenge gives you a prompt for each day and I have not only loved taking part but also seeing everyone else's posts too. 

My favourites are Katrina Sophia, Annie Dornan Smith, Hutch & Willow and Emma Block and if you want to tag along with my feed you can do so over here!

5. Blogosphere. 

It's always a good post day when the latest issue of Blogosphere lands on your doormat but now my parents bought me the years subscription, I get it right on the day of publication -insert all the celebration and dancing lady emojis here- 

I am HUGELY in love with this issues 2 cover designs and the message behind it and it looked pretty sexy alongside my current pink Insta theme. I haven't had a proper snuggle down and read yet cos lol life but I had a flick through and noticed my little mush wheedling it's way into one of the Twitter chat pages again. #famous #amizoellayet

6. Blush Pink Babies.

Oh just look how pink everything is around here? If you didn't read/lust over my latest wishlist post you won't know I have fallen head over heels for blush pink toned ERRTHANG and this week the weather has been fine enough to give these babies a whirl. I bought these in New Look when I was in Manchester in January and because they're 1. Pale pink and 2. A matte suede kinda affect, I have to be 100% sure it's not going to rain, I won't get them muddy and it's warm enough for me to get away with bare ankles. Welsh winter weather does't make that an easy task but last weekend the stars aligned and they got their first TWO outings and I fucking love them. Like for real. 

The EXACT ones I have aren't on the New Look website anymore but you can get this similar platform designed ones for a fraction of the price I paid here. 

7. Happy Birthday To Yhooo.

Yes last weekend was Joss' 24th birthday and with some annual leave we managed to make it into a 4 day event. 

On the Thursday we caught up on some TV, went to visit my grandparents for cards and presents who he hasn't seen since Christmas Eve and then topped off the evening with a Frankie and Bennys and a cinema because we're cheap but don't want to miss out on date night. On the Friday I ended up driving him into the centre of Cardiff on match night which was crayyyyyyy and he went out on a boys night for his birthday/the rugby. I booked them a booth in a bar in town and spent the evening watching the game on my own, catching up with shit TV and eating like a pig and then I ended up driving back into town at 2.30am cos lol taxis were an hour wait because everyone in Wales was in Cardiff for the Ireland game. 

Saturday was his actual birthday which he was surprisingly not hungover for and I made tea and bacon butties whilst he opened his cards and presents and then we settled down to a day of rugby with 2 more six nations games on. In the evening after presents from his family I went to collect a birthday takeaway and we watched a film with them and 20839847823 dogs.

And then finally on the Sunday we managed to round up the celebrations with a visit to my family for MORE presents and cards and a cake from my parents and my brother and his family. We had a roast dinner, played darts, watched property programmes and ate cake like any good Sunday should be spent. Blissful weekend. 

8. Summer Sunsets Aren't Far Away.

I took this in a moving car whilst my Mum was driving this week but ah man doesn't it make you itch for Summer nights? We were driving out of Cardiff city centre at rush hour and the sun was just getting low over the Castle and making the sky do that glowy thing that just makes you think of ice cream and light nights and the beach. Having just organised dates for a few days away reliving our uni days in Wrexham in mid May I just know how light and bright and beautiful it'll be and I literally can't wait to get up there.

9. BuJo.

Oh gosh didn't you love bugs say some wonderful things about my journal this week? I FINALLY posted my 2017 bujo walk through and got the loveliest feedback ever about it. I know as an illustrator my journal should look pretty but I genuinely love this one even more than the last so it's nice to hear that people think it's looking pretty cute too. 

In all seriousness if you want to see anything in particular bujo related on the old blog please tweet me or leave me a comment because I adore writing them but there's only so many times I can give you a tour of mine...

You can see my (v. photo heavy) bullet journal post from this week here. 

10. This Gal. 

I could probs write my entire blog on my niece and why she's an awesome little pal but alas, probably not the content you're all screaming for so a few lines in a FF post will have to suffice. The past fortnight she's been particularly adorable and she's coming along in leaps and bounds. She's the cleverest little chap I've ever known and I swear she can do and say more every time I see her. She's 21 months old and forget the old 'horse' 'bird' 'dino' malarky, this one differentiates between a pigeon, crow, seagull, magpie and robin and when asked which dinosaur flies and which dinosaur swims she can proudly pronounce Pterodactyl and Ichthyosaur. As well as saying please, thank you, you're welcome and bless you which are all adorbs she also says love you, gives hugs and kisses and then combats it all by saying she's going to kick the cat or 'GET AUNTIE GEH-NAN' and then jumping on my head. Being a toddler is a lot of fun I think. 

11. Whatsapp Bae. 

These guys though. I don't think this needs much of an explanation or a rambling paragraph about why I love them so much because I've gone on about these beautiful humans plenty of times but the Whatsapp group gives me life and this was a particular highlight for me lately. 

12. Appreciate The Country Life. 

You know sometimes when you just step out of your door and think oh shit look at that? Idk maybe you don't, maybe you have to live in a place with cute views but I feel like at some point we've probably all thought we under appreciate where we live. This has happened a few times to me this week, I've been caught off guard about how beautiful it is where we live and how much I don't appreciate it. How often I just drive in and out of the village without taking in the view or what's changed in the landscape. I walk a neighbours dog on and off and have done so a few times this week and it's only when walking and not in the car that I can actually switch off, listen to the bird song, get my hair all tangled up in the wind and truly take in what's literally on the doorstep. 

13. Spring Blossom. 

Well aren't I all about the nature this week? This one isn't exclusively about blossom on the trees but it's just the general feeling that I have been twinkling on about for a little while now, the feeling that something else is coming. There's change in the air and I think it's Spring and I for one am excited about it (and so is half of my Twitter following if my feed is anything to go by lately).

Enjoy Super Saturday and the end of another 6 Nations championship my loves and keep your fingers crossed for a good week ahead so we can all get outside and photograph things in natural light and keep our Insta grids going for another month.