
It’s easy to forget in this moment of madness, this year which has thrown everything we know into disarray that actually, the new normal isn’t well…..normal.

We are not used to mask wearing in the UK, daily press conferences, staying away from our loved ones, spending this much time at home. Shops being closed, children being schooled at home, the inability to just get in the car and drive somewhere or pop in here to pick something up - it’s all alien to our usual way of life and for those of us who didn’t get a taster of those things back in the summer, it’s been a long slog of acting like this is life now.

Whilst there are plenty of aspects of our ‘old’ life I can’t imagine having back (overcrowding can get in the bin and I cannot ever imagine using a public loo) there are also things from our ‘new’ life I’d like to see stay. I definitely can’t see myself going back to the weekly supermarket run with half of Cardiff on a Saturday morning and I’d like to see masks stick around but really, there’s so much of our pre covid days I can’t wait to see again.

This won’t be forever.

  1. Hugging friends when you greet them.

  2. Driving over the Severn Bridge on an adventure.

  3. Trying on clothes in store.

  4. Cinemas.

  5. Surprising my niece’s after work at my Mum’s.

  6. Meeting friends for a cuppa.

  7. My honeymoon!

  8. Going for a walk somewhere that isn’t outside the front door.

  9. Driving in the summer in sunglasses with music blasting and windows open on my way out. Anywhere.

  10. Visiting my local National Trust property.

  11. Having my oldest niece for sleepovers again.

  12. Eating out.

  13. Being able to pop to a shop when you need something with no forward planning.

  14. Choosing Christmas presents in store this year.

  15. Easter with the whole of my husband’s extended family round the table.

  16. Mega roadtrips and service station lunches.

  17. Being in the office with my colleagues again.

  18. Browsing a supermarket.

  19. Buffets.

  20. Having my family all in my house.

  21. Beach walks.

  22. Sitting in the childhood homes of my friends when they’re back in Wales.

  23. Being able to see my niece’s however many times a week I want, knowing completely it won’t be weeks till I see them again.

  24. Christmas markets.

  25. Hosting bbqs in the back garden.

  26. Being able to pop into my Mum’s when I’m passing.

  27. Pub quizzes and meals out with my work pals.

  28. Not wearing disposable gloves when I pick up a takeaway.

  29. Sitting next to someone. Generally not having to stay 2m from people I know.

  30. No daily press conferences.

  31. Going off to the shops in my lunch hour or after work just because.

  32. Getting my hair cut.

  33. Seeing all the friends and family we haven’t been able to see at all in a year.