Posts tagged alt bloggr
Why I Love Being Welsh | Happy St David's Day

For those folk amongst you who are not Welsh, you might not know that today is St David's Day. We celebrate our patron saint on March 1st every year with an Eisteddford and dressing up when you're in school and scoffing welsh cakes if you're not. 

If you're not Welsh, you probably don't know a lot about it, least of all why we celebrate being Welsh, and what it feels like. It's probably unsurprising that with a name like mine and from a family of Welsh ancestors through and through, I really quite like being Welsh. 

Here's a coupla reasons why;

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5 Minutes With My Advertisers - December 2017.

It's the last month of the year and the last 2017 advertising round up I'm writing and wtf where did the time go? 

This year I feel like my advertising packages have properly taken off, I have a LOT of returning faces and I rarely have to promote my deals to get them filled and I hope that's a testament to the work I put in and maybe shows people actually find it useful? Either that or ya'll just pay money to have me say nice things about me no? 

But anyway, onto December's bunch which features a lot of logos you'll probably have seen before in some shape or another (just maybe some more recent than others). 

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Living In The Moment.

Living in the moment can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people I suspect. To me I guess it means being truly present in what you're doing, about appreciating what you have in front of you and also appreciating life is short and the moment is important. 

As a family and as I'm sure like most families we have experienced loss and I think for a short time at least it makes you stop and take stock and think. It makes you really think about yourself. about your problems, about what's important to you and what's not. I think when you experience loss or something dynamic in a family or a friendship group or a relationship you DO live in the moment - but it never seems to last. 

Life moves on, things go back to normal somewhat, day to day chores and arguments and nit picking resumes and you forget how you felt. I feel like very few of us hang on to that feeling and truly live in that moment. 

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Does Every Blog Post Need A Point?

A conundrum that has been pickling me for a while now. 

Does every blog post we write need to have a point? Something to take away from it? A piece of information, a tip, a list, something to save, something to share?

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What To Take To Uni & What To Leave At Home