How To Spend 6 Hours In Richmond - A Photo Diary.
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The Big Smoke
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How The Apprentice Undermined An Entire Industry.
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Glyndwr University At New Designers
University/Student Lifegwennanreesanimation, branding, business, capital, childrensbooks, childrensillustrator, childrenspublishing, city, comicbook, comicbookartist, commercial, commercialanimation, creativefutures, creativepublishing, exhibiting, exhibition, explore, fineart, freelance, getaway, getout, getoutdoors, glyndwruniversity, graduate, graphicnovels, illustrate, illustrated, illustrates, illustration, illustrations, illustrative, illustrator, illustrators, london, nd2015, nd30years, ND30yrs, new designers, nwsad
Exhibiting At New Designers 2016? Here's What I Learned In 2015.
University/Student Lifegwennanreesbranding, business, capital, childrensbooks, childrensillustrator, childrenspublishing, city, commercial, creativefutures, creativepublishing, exhibiting, exhibition, freelance, getaway, getout, getoutdoors, glyndwruniversity, graduate, holiday, illustrate, illustrated, illustrates, illustration, illustrations, illustrative, illustrator, illustrators, jobhunting, jobs, listography, lists, london, nd2015, nd30years, ND30yrs, new designers, toptips
My New Designers Press Packs
University/Student Lifegwennanreesbranding, business, childrensillustrator, childrenspublishing, city, commercial, cv, exhibiting, exhibition, freelance, glyndwruniversity, graduate, london, nd2015, nd30years, ND30yrs, new designers, nwsad, press, presspacks, selfpromotion
8 Top Tips and Tricks When Staying In London
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Why I Carried Mini Stace In My Pocket For 6 Days
University/Student Lifegwennanreeschildrensbooks, childrensillustrator, childrenspublishing, city, creativefutures, exhibiting, exhibition, explore, freelance, getout, glyndwruniversity, graduate, illustrates, illustration, illustrator, london, nd2015, nd30years, ND30yrs, new designers, nwsad
New Designers London 29th June-4th July 2015
University/Student Lifegwennanreesbusiness, capitol, childrensbooks, childrensillustrator, childrenspublishing, city, creativefutures, exhibiting, exhibition, explore, freelance, getout, glyndwruniversity, graduate, illustrates, illustration, illustrator, jobhunting, jobs, london, nd2015, ND30yrs
An lllustrated Journey Around New Designers 2015
University/Student Lifegwennanreesbusiness, childrensillustrator, city, creativefutures, exhibiting, exhibition, explore, freelance, getout, glyndwruniversity, graduate, illustrates, illustration, illustrator, london, ND30yrs, new designers, travel
Prepping For New Designers 2015
University/Student Lifegwennanreesbranding, business, capitol, childrensillustrator, city, creativepublishing, exhibiting, exhibition, freelance, glyndwruniversity, graduate, illustrates, illustration, illustrator, jobs, listography, lists, london, nd2015, nd30years, new designers, show, travel