Posts tagged welsh blogge
My Month In Photos - December 2017.

Well well well we've come to the end of the month and the end of the year - isn't it satisfying it's ending on a Sunday and the new year is coming in on a new week? The stars have aligned my friends. 

It's been a long time I've been writing these posts, well over a year and I don't know if they, like my Friday Favourites, will be joining us in 2018. I just feel like they're a little stale these days and often I'm just repeating in one what I wrote on the other so idk where they're going, whether they'll come back in a new form or I'll just sack it off altogether. 

But anyway, less about what's to come (or what's not) - in the spirit of ending the year right, here's what I got up to in the last festive month. 

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