This Time Next Year.

This feels a bit weird when the start of the new year feels like weeks and weeks and weeks ago (which I guess it was). 

Yesterday I mentioned I was tagged in two tags by Steph from Stephs World and this is the second of the job lot! The 'This Time Next Year' tag is supposed to make you think about what you want to achieve in the next year and just how you're going to do that! 

Rules of the tag;

  • Thank the blogger who tagged you (thanks Steph you angel)
  • Write your goals for the next year
  • Write how you'll achieve your goals
  • Tag 5 bloggers to take part after you 
  • Write how you did in 365 days!

This Time Next Year..... I'll have secured some blogger/brand collabs I'm really proud of. 

I'll Achieve This By.... Writing a blog business plan with dream brands to work with and then get in touch with their PRs and get added to press release lists!


This Time Next Year.... I'll be fitter!

I'll Achieve This By.... Working exercise into my daily routine so it doesn't feel so much like a chore! 


This Time Next Year.... I'll have curated an Instagram theme I love. 

I'll Achieve This By.... Taking inspiration from the accounts I love the most and working out why they're successful, what I like about them and how I can inject more of ME into my grid.


This Time Next Year.... I'll have been somewhere exciting. 

I'll Achieve This By.... Finally booking all the trips and weekends away and holidays me and my friends are talking about and make them a reality not a pipe dream. 


This Time Next Year.... I'll have organised another blogging event. 

I'll Achieve This By.... Getting my blogging picnic gang together and creating another event that smashes last years fabulous day. 


This Time Next Year.... I'll have hit 1 million pageviews. 

I'll Achieve This By.... Continuing to create content regularly and promoting it, particularly bullet journal content on Pinterest as it's a massive refferer for my blog. 

Again I'm not going to tag any bloggers in this post, this time mainly because I left it a bit late and I think a lot of people are really over the new years content now. 

But if you DO want to take this tag it's a really fun one and it'll be great to look back on at the end of the year and see if you met any of the goals!