5 Reasons Why I Committed To A Leuchtturm.

Guess who's been bullet journaling for over a year -insert all the celebration emojis here-

Last year I picked up a 5 quid plain lined A5 notebook from TK Maxx and professed my love for it and my love for 'not having to have the Leuchtturm 1917 everyone else has'. And then Christmas came and your gal got given one and then whadda ya know, January came around and I just kinda fell into it. 

And honestly? I'd never look back. In fact I've basically filled it, it ain't gonna go past June so I'm looking at 2 journals per year and I'd get a Leuchtturm 1917 every damn time. Here's why;

1. It's just made for bujoing. 

It just is. There's no two ways about it. The Leuchtturm 1917 is the bullet journalers notebook of choice because it simply is perfect. There's two ribbons so you can mark pages more effectively, there's a variety of page layouts so you can chose what fits you best, there's a built in index AND every page is already numbered so you don't have to. It's the dream. 

2. It's stylish as hell. 

Like have you seen one? Right so fair enough I have a black one but it was a gift and alright yes I pointed them in the right direction but the black one was cheapest and hey, girl gotta hustle. But, for my next one (unless it's like double the price of the rest) I'm thinking the lime green or the baby blue. I am feeling colour. Anyway, the cover, the two toned ribbons, the elastic.....they're stylish as hell and make you feel a bit professional about life. 

3. It's super robust.

I love ringbinders more than anything, they are the superior notebook of choice when it comes to folding and being able to write right to the middle. But. They always always always without a doubt fall apart. The back cover falls off, the front cover falls off, the pages start sliding about....they just not winners. The Leuchtturm is robust, it's easily foldable (or at least spreadable? Ya know when you can fold it out flat to write on it all properly? Yeah that), the pages don't fall out, it's a solid investment because it really genuinely lasts.

4. The squares are everything. 

Right so maybe you don't have or are not considering the squared version but it's the one I wanted and I wouldn't go back. Having a lined notebook previously worked fine, but then I got a squared Leuchtturm and suddenly lines are inferior. I think it depends how you use your journal, if you do a LOT of detailed layouts with boxes and grids like I do then the squared (or dotted) journal is a must. It's definitely one of my fav features. 

5. Everyone has one. 

So sometimes it's better to stray from the crowd and then sometimes the crowd is on to a good thing. The Leuchtturm is a perfect example of the latter. Everyone has one because urmmmm they're really bloody ace? This is me saying yes you absolutely need one as your next bullet journal, mine definitely rekindled my love for bujoing and has made me use it 123289478347 more effectively. 


What notebook do you have for your bullet journal? Anyone ever NOT liked the Leuchtturm or found it doesn't work for them?


(FYI you can buy the Leuchtturm 1917 on Amazon here. This is NOT an affiliate link, I just genuinely love mine so much I want to be an enabler and help you all find your perfect one too)

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