Posts tagged bujo
Taking my Bullet Journal into the New Year

As we turn the corner of the page on the twenty ten’s, I find myself somewhere in the middle of the non bujoers and the die hard fans. I built my blog on bullet journaling, I hooked most of my followers from bullet journal content and luckily got them to stay. I created a following for my blog from bullet journaling which ended up resulting in a Blogosphere award shortlisting in 2017. I got brand collabs from bullet journaling. I became a resource, I created resources and people cited me as their bujo inspo and so I feel like I can’t abandon it now when it’s been so kind to me.

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The demise of my 2018 bullet journal & where I am taking my 2019 version

Yes that’s right my friends, we are nearly 2 months into 2019 and I finally have new bullet journal content. It’s been a long time coming but it took me a good month to get my journal up and running let alone in a fit state to snap some photos of. And then came the bad weather and the grey days and I encountered the perils of working until it was dark every day.

But now, now we have had some sunshine, I have left work when it is still light and it feels like spring it on it’s way - and with that, a glossy pure white brand new bullet journal. But before we can crack on with that, I guess we better talk about the demise of my 2018 journal first.

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Using Your Bullet Journal For Work

This weekend marks four whole months of being employed and self employed and it’s taken me about that long to remove all the confidential information out of the photos of my bullet journal so you guys can see it.

It took me about three weeks to commit to a work bullet journal and I haven’t looked back. I went for navy because I am a young professional now and it’s probably got enough space to last me until January and then I’ll be into another one already I think.

Of course, everyone’s work is different so the techniques I use in my bullet journal might not work for you but hopefully it’ll give you some inspiration anyway.

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Job Hunting In Your Bullet Journal

I was job hunting for four slow months until I secured the interview that landed me this job and 84 applications later here we are. I tracked all of it in my bullet journal under the instruction of Mel and it definitely helped keep me sane when applications became monotonous.

Here’s what I tracked and why I tracked it and how it helped me job hunt…..

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Migrating Bullet Journals

For some people, migrating between journals is second nature and maybe your journal isn’t year on year, maybe you chop and change whenever the need takes you but for me, it’s a new year new bujo. For 2018 I had a sunny yellow little number between January and June and now I am working from a berry one which I switched to in July and will see me through to the end of the year.

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2018 Bullet Journal #2 | July - December Flip Through

I have used two bullet journals per year for two years now and July saw me switch into my berry coloured beauty for the rest of the year. July also saw me start my job so my new bullet journal turned into a slow burner and actually, there are still elements that I have yet to finish.

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Monthly Themes | Bullet Journal Inspiration

I’ve not really created a ‘title’ page or much to separate the months in old journals, preferring to move seamlessly from one to the other but liking my 2018 title page so much I decided to try monthly themes in the same style and boy am I glad I did.

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2 Years Of Bullet Journaling - A Birthday Celebration.

In May I had my two year blogging anniversary. Yes I remember the date well, yes I started mid way through the year the first time because I just couldn't wait till January to start what I suspected would be a new stationery addiction (and I was correct). 

It's safe to say bullet journaling has changed my life and that's no exaggeration. Aside from the major impact it's had on my productivity and the over haul of my organisation, it's generated a massive part of my audience and in some ways contributed to my Blogosphere Awards nomination because it definitely got my name out there to all those cherubs who voted for me. 

So here's a little appreciation to the humble bullet journal and our two year love affair;

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Why I Need Two Bullet Journals Per Year & How To Migrate Over.

I am using my bullet journal as much as ever these days and I am loving it as much as I always have. I really feel like I have got into my groove with journaling and found a system that works really well for me and honestly I'd be lost without it. 

I have a shiny new berry coloured journal waiting in the wings to become my second journal of 2018 so let's get into it shall we? Why exactly do I use two Leuchtturms per year? 

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Travelling With Your Bullet Journal | Handy Tips & Pinnable Ideas

I have already expressed my love for bullet journaling when it comes to travelling but I really truly believe it’s where it comes into it’s own. I use my bullet journal extensively when I am travelling and it is the key to remaining organised and therefore remaining calm. We all know that whilst holidays are hopefully relaxing, actually getting there might be quite the opposite but your bujo should go some way to helping you out.

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FREE Spring Printable For Your Bullet Journal.

Now that the snow has nearly melted and the clocks change in a fortnight I think we can safely get excited for a new season. There are daffodils springing up left right and centre and the fields round my house are full of hopping and skipping lambs and I've already caved and bought (and eaten) my first easter egg. 

With a new season comes of course, a new set of printables for your bullet journal, diary or planner and it'll probably be the last one of these I do now I've completed a full season. Who knows what the next one will bring!

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Why I'm As Bullet Journal Obsessed As Ever.

Bullet journaling has not only contributed to making my blog a success, but it's also contributed a heck of a lot to my personal life too. I've written a lot about how discovering the world of bujo has impacted my life and my general productivity and also, most recently, about how I think it reflects my personality

I've also written about whether or not the bullet journal trend will stick and I concluded that whilst the hype over it might die out, people like me who genuinely love it will probably never be able to use a conventional journal again. But if you are like me then you're likely as bullet journal obsessed as when you first started out - maybe even more so. 

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How My Bullet Journal Reflects My Personality.

In 2018 I think it’s plain to see I’m just as bullet journal obsessed as ever and I know I’m not the only one. If anything, I am using it more and more and for a wider variety of things and it’s really got me thinking about what it says about me.

It’s like a journal as well as an organizer these days full of snippets of my day, my mood as well as my plans and chores. It’s fuller than ever, I’m working through it quicker than ever and it’s a home for all my scribbles and doodles. I work out my blog there, I plan my day there, I pack for my holidays there and I remember my pals birthday’s there.

I have come to realise that my bullet journal is a true reflection of me, my personality and my character and now I’ve started noticing it I can’t unsee it.

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2017 Bullet Journal On Reflection | What I Learned.

Yesterday I posted an photo heavy introduction to my 2018 bullet journal but today I wanted to reflect on my old one. I thought it'd be a fun way for me and you to look back on a year of journaling, to see what worked and what didn't and what I took forward into my new shiny bright yellow one. 

My 2017 bullet journal was heavily documented on this ol' blog (I'll include some links at the bottom of this post) and had a pretty sweet reception from you all but some things were more successful than others.

Here's what I think about my 2017 bujo on reflection;

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2018 Bullet Journal Inspiration | A Look Through

It's a new year and that can only mean one thing - a new bullet journal.

I'm a bit late to the party admittedly getting my bujo look through up and chances are you've already started plotting yours out but  let's get on with the look through - and hopefully you'll find some inspo for your 2018 bullet journal too. 

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Bullet Journal Blog Post Ideas.

I don't know if you've noticed but I quite enjoy writing the odd bullet journal themed blog post and I've been known to write a few of them. For those of you wishing to join me in the bullet journal blog world I thought I'd share a few ideas to get you started;

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Are We Ruining The Ethos Of The Bullet Journal By Perfecting It?

Bullet journaling has been my obsession for about 18 months now and I've swiftly worked my way through three journals, each defining my system and how I make it work for me. I've long been thinking about the ethos of bullet journaling and what it's really about and whether or not I'm really embracing it. 

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Will The Bullet Journal Trend Stick?

My blog would flat out fall to pieces if the bullet journal trend doesn't stick around. They're still the most popular posts I write to date, they've given me a massive audience, they've provided me with a few viral pins on Pinterest and they gained me a LOT of traffic last year. In my personal life, I would probably miss bullet journaling if it disappeared. Sure I'd still carry on working in this way because it really is successful for me but I'd be sad there wasn't as much hype, interest or inspiration around. 

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What To Include In Your University Bullet Journal.

I graduated two years ago now but I can see the benefits of a bujo for university as clear as if I was still there. For maybe the first time you're somewhere where you're 100% responsible for yourself and for your organisation and having a bullet journal would definitely have been beneficial for me. Ohhhh if only they'd been a massive trend back then. I'm sure they were a thing but maybe not as popular as they are now but lord I wish I'd had one. 

I'd definitely have run through several journals whilst I was there with everything I'd fill it with. Here's my suggestions for what to include in your bujo for uni;

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FREE Autumn Printables For Your Bullet Journal Or Planner.

It's that time of year again! The weather is definitely feeling a few degrees lower, the wind is picking up, my Autumn Instagram Challenge is live and I thought it was about time I was back with some more printables. 

Following on from my Summer designs, I have created a set of icons and doodles for your bullet journal, planner, notebook, school books....whatever it is. There's autumn ones, there's weather ones, there's lots of food and drink ones and there's some Halloween and Bonfire Night thrown in for good measure too so hopefully there's something that tickles your fancy to adorn your bujo!

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