What's this? The bullet journal flip through I've been promising you since January?? Yes hold onto your hats, I actually finished getting my journal going and sat down to photograph it.
My entrance to bullet journaling started last May with a generic A5 notebook and I became obsessed very early on. By the end of the year with half a notebook left I was trying to grit my teeth and just get on with a journal that wasn't working for me anymore. And then for Christmas I got given that journal addicts Bible; the Leuchtturm 1917 A5 with squared pages. In black FYI.
I tried for a fortnight or so to stick with my trusty old notebook and wait until I'd finished it to move onto my new journal but the idea of staring a fresh in January and the lure of that new notebook led me to realise, the beauty of the journal is it's flexibility. The whole point of the bullet journal is the ability to change it to suit at the click of a finger and so off to the Leuchtturm I went.
And so here it is! Finally! An (extensive, soz for all the photos) guide to my new journal for your pinning and saving and copying for inspiration.
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