How To Draw Easy Banners For Your Bullet Journal (& Free Worksheet)

Free bullet journal worksheet. 

In my 'ways I make my bullet journal pretty' blog post I mentioned that I get a lot of messages from people asking how I draw my layouts, how I make my pages Instagrammable and how I make it so cute.

I'm a trained illustrator and drawing comes second nature for me - in fact when I was designing these worksheets Hannah asked me how on earth I could possibly do it freehand on the computer. For those of you who don't have a particularly artistic hand, I've created a step by step guide on how to draw simple banners for your bullet journal that can be used for decorations or headers for your pages.


Hyperlapse of bullet journal header creations.

How to use your worksheet; 

  • Right click on the image to save to your desktop or pin for later. 
  • Print and use at home!
  • Please don't distribute or try to sell as your own and please credit me if you share it!

Pin me for later!