Posts tagged journ
Taking my Bullet Journal into the New Year

As we turn the corner of the page on the twenty ten’s, I find myself somewhere in the middle of the non bujoers and the die hard fans. I built my blog on bullet journaling, I hooked most of my followers from bullet journal content and luckily got them to stay. I created a following for my blog from bullet journaling which ended up resulting in a Blogosphere award shortlisting in 2017. I got brand collabs from bullet journaling. I became a resource, I created resources and people cited me as their bujo inspo and so I feel like I can’t abandon it now when it’s been so kind to me.

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Using Your Bullet Journal For Work

This weekend marks four whole months of being employed and self employed and it’s taken me about that long to remove all the confidential information out of the photos of my bullet journal so you guys can see it.

It took me about three weeks to commit to a work bullet journal and I haven’t looked back. I went for navy because I am a young professional now and it’s probably got enough space to last me until January and then I’ll be into another one already I think.

Of course, everyone’s work is different so the techniques I use in my bullet journal might not work for you but hopefully it’ll give you some inspiration anyway.

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2 Years Of Bullet Journaling - A Birthday Celebration.

In May I had my two year blogging anniversary. Yes I remember the date well, yes I started mid way through the year the first time because I just couldn't wait till January to start what I suspected would be a new stationery addiction (and I was correct). 

It's safe to say bullet journaling has changed my life and that's no exaggeration. Aside from the major impact it's had on my productivity and the over haul of my organisation, it's generated a massive part of my audience and in some ways contributed to my Blogosphere Awards nomination because it definitely got my name out there to all those cherubs who voted for me. 

So here's a little appreciation to the humble bullet journal and our two year love affair;

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How To Future Plan With Your Bullet Journal.

The bullet journal can be used for a multitude of sins, from to do lists to calendars to shopping to future planning - and it's the latter I'm focusing on today. 

In my 2016 bullet journal I used future planning as one of the biggest elements of my system, but actually I found it wasn't really working for me. I was future planning my month's ahead of time, drawing out my calendar and my 4 weekly spreads and it came to the point where it was unorganised and wasn't helping me plan at all. I found that it left no room for change, no room for master to do lists and it meant things like packing lists or shopping lists were weeks after the event and I never knew where I was. 

In my 2017 journal I decided against pre planning, against future planning in that way and it's worked much better for me. But now we're coming toward the tail end of the year and I'm already thinking about what to do for 2018 so I thought I'd share my top tips (and fav spreads) for future planning with your bullet journal. 

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FREE Autumn Printables For Your Bullet Journal Or Planner.

It's that time of year again! The weather is definitely feeling a few degrees lower, the wind is picking up, my Autumn Instagram Challenge is live and I thought it was about time I was back with some more printables. 

Following on from my Summer designs, I have created a set of icons and doodles for your bullet journal, planner, notebook, school books....whatever it is. There's autumn ones, there's weather ones, there's lots of food and drink ones and there's some Halloween and Bonfire Night thrown in for good measure too so hopefully there's something that tickles your fancy to adorn your bujo!

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How To Draw Easy Banners For Your Bullet Journal (& Free Worksheet)

In my 'ways I make my bullet journal pretty' blog post I mentioned that I get a lot of messages from people asking how I draw my layouts, how I make my pages Instagrammable and how I make it so cute.

I'm a trained illustrator and drawing comes second nature for me - in fact when I was designing these worksheets Hannah asked me how on earth I could possibly do it freehand on the computer. For those of you who don't have a particularly artistic hand, I've created a FREE step by step guide on how to draw simple banners for your bullet journal that can be used for decorations or headers for your pages.

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Introducing My 2017 Bullet Journal Take 2

If you're no stranger to this blog you'll know this year I am more bullet journal obsessed than ever, these days using it for absolutely anything and everything. But with lots of spreads and lists comes, well, very little space and by the time June rolled around my trusty black bujo was full. 

For my July - December journal I recommitted to a Leuchtturm 1917 but this time in oh so Instagrammable turquoise and the love affair continues. 

A lot of my second journal of the year is very similar or exactly the same as my first (have a nosey at that one here) but some has changed, some has gone and some of it is new. So without further ado - come and meet my 2017 Bullet Journal (part 2).

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